UNI-T Academy Staff and teachers mobility - Application form
Opens 16 Dec 2024 09:00 AM (CET)
Deadline 27 Jan 2025 10:00 AM (CET)


The Project

The UNI-T Academy project (eUropeaN cIvic Teacher Academy) is a contribution to improve the education of teachers in Europe, which cannot be done without creating partnerships of teacher education and training providers in several countries. The main objectives of our project are to enhance mobility, European civic awareness, multilingualism and cultural diversity consciousness of teachers, in accordance with EU policy in order to support a European teacher development.Based on the solid partnerships tied within the European university CIVIS, we would like to improve the European dimension and internationalisation of teacher education through innovative and practical collaboration, with a focus on the key priorities of the European Union such as learning in the digital world, sustainability, equity, and inclusion. We will implement different models of mobility (virtual, physical, and blended) for student teachers, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators. These mobilities will be integrated in a dynamic of targeted activities led by the different partners and recognised by a system of open badges. In parallel, we will also develop sustainable collaboration between teacher education providers based on 1) models of blended learning, 2) International teacher’s summer schools, 3) the development of communities of practices and 4) action-research projects.

The mobilities objectives are a transversal approach of mobilities of student-teachers, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators that promotes systems of recognition with open badge.

Thank to this opportunity, you will be able to participate to UNI-T events, to work with your colleagues from our partner universities on UNI-T activities or do “job shadowing” in schools or universities for an one-weeek mobility.

Please make sure to read and understand all the information below before applying to an UNI-T mobility.

IMPORTANT: Not all the mobility opportunities will be available for every period as it will depend of the availability of each partners and institutions.

Participation conditions:

The staff member or teacher must be part of a UNI-T partner institution or an associated institution/partners. Working in education area or at an institute/faculty of education. At the end of the mobility period, the staff member or teacher undertakes to send all the administrative documents to the UNI-T mobility officer and to return all the original documents to to the project coordinator, Aix-Marseille University. 

The administrative documents to be sent include:

Boarding pass/travel tickets with QR CODE - Mobility contract - Certificate of attendance- Post-mobility report

Those documents are mandatory. Failure to do so may result in your funding being withdrawn. These documents are in addition to the documents that will govern your entire mobility.

A scholarship will be provided in case of selection but will not necessarily cover all your expenses. The unspent amount will have to be reimbursed.

Moreover, you will be asked to provide proof of your expenses at the end of your mobility, so please remember to keep them in a safe place. 

Please make sure to be able to fund a part of your mobility.

The staff member or Teacher will be selected based on those following criteria: 

Mobility project and motivation - Involvement in UNI-T Academy project- Availability of each mobility opportunities - Impact of the mobility in daily work - Impact of the mobility in the environment of work and for the home institution -The number of mobility already made 

The participation to an UNI-T internship by the home school of the teacher can be considered.

For any questions regarding this mobility programme, please contact the UNI-T mobility officer THIAM Kiné fatou-kine.thiam@univ-amu.fr.

UNI-T Academy Staff and teachers mobility - Application form


The Project

The UNI-T Academy project (eUropeaN cIvic Teacher Academy) is a contribution to improve the education of teachers in Europe, which cannot be done without creating partnerships of teacher education and training providers in several countries. The main objectives of our project are to enhance mobility, European civic awareness, multilingualism and cultural diversity consciousness of teachers, in accordance with EU policy in order to support a European teacher development.Based on the solid partnerships tied within the European university CIVIS, we would like to improve the European dimension and internationalisation of teacher education through innovative and practical collaboration, with a focus on the key priorities of the European Union such as learning in the digital world, sustainability, equity, and inclusion. We will implement different models of mobility (virtual, physical, and blended) for student teachers, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators. These mobilities will be integrated in a dynamic of targeted activities led by the different partners and recognised by a system of open badges. In parallel, we will also develop sustainable collaboration between teacher education providers based on 1) models of blended learning, 2) International teacher’s summer schools, 3) the development of communities of practices and 4) action-research projects.

The mobilities objectives are a transversal approach of mobilities of student-teachers, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators that promotes systems of recognition with open badge.

Thank to this opportunity, you will be able to participate to UNI-T events, to work with your colleagues from our partner universities on UNI-T activities or do “job shadowing” in schools or universities for an one-weeek mobility.

Please make sure to read and understand all the information below before applying to an UNI-T mobility.

IMPORTANT: Not all the mobility opportunities will be available for every period as it will depend of the availability of each partners and institutions.

Participation conditions:

The staff member or teacher must be part of a UNI-T partner institution or an associated institution/partners. Working in education area or at an institute/faculty of education. At the end of the mobility period, the staff member or teacher undertakes to send all the administrative documents to the UNI-T mobility officer and to return all the original documents to to the project coordinator, Aix-Marseille University. 

The administrative documents to be sent include:

Boarding pass/travel tickets with QR CODE - Mobility contract - Certificate of attendance- Post-mobility report

Those documents are mandatory. Failure to do so may result in your funding being withdrawn. These documents are in addition to the documents that will govern your entire mobility.

A scholarship will be provided in case of selection but will not necessarily cover all your expenses. The unspent amount will have to be reimbursed.

Moreover, you will be asked to provide proof of your expenses at the end of your mobility, so please remember to keep them in a safe place. 

Please make sure to be able to fund a part of your mobility.

The staff member or Teacher will be selected based on those following criteria: 

Mobility project and motivation - Involvement in UNI-T Academy project- Availability of each mobility opportunities - Impact of the mobility in daily work - Impact of the mobility in the environment of work and for the home institution -The number of mobility already made 

The participation to an UNI-T internship by the home school of the teacher can be considered.

For any questions regarding this mobility programme, please contact the UNI-T mobility officer THIAM Kiné fatou-kine.thiam@univ-amu.fr.

16 Dec 2024 09:00 AM (CET)
27 Jan 2025 10:00 AM (CET)